Louise Lague Louise Lague

Dora Marr

Picasso’s last image of his beloved

Dora looked at the painting on the easel, then turned to Pablo. “Is that how you see me? With two noses? With hard angles?”

Pablo shrugged. “You are a woman of many facets, my love. I can’t even capture them all.”

Dora looked him in the eyes and saw the failed passion, the tiredness of their love. In her portrait she saw her boredom.

She put on her cape. “You will not paint me again.” She walked out, leaving the portrait behind.

If you want to wear Picasso’s last painting of Dora ($125), message Louisa on the contact page.

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Louise Lague Louise Lague


I first saw her in the Jardin Botanico in Puerto Vallarta. Draped in beige chiffon, her champagne hair twisted up and wispy in the humidity,

I first saw her in the Jardin Botanico in Puerto Vallarta. Draped in beige chiffon, her champagne hair twisted up and wispy in the humidity, she was bending over the lilies, her delicate nose seeking their scent.

I had to speak. “Maravillosos, no?”

She sized me up, then said haltingly. “Me gustan mucho los lirios…”

“Oh, you are English? I love lilies too. I think they are the national flower of Mexico. They are so graceful, as are you.”

She blushed and turned away. I had gone a bit too far.

Lily is SOLD, but if this design interests you, visit the Contact page and let’s see if I can create something similar for you.

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Louise Lague Louise Lague


If you need a radically masculine bit of ornamentation…

She held her Aperol spritz in one hand and wandered out onto the terrace of the Hotel Cenobio del Doge, overlooking the Mediterranean, which this evening was a rich turquoise. The patio bar was busy, but there was one free chair.

“Scusi, signor…” She put one hand on the back of the rattan chair and gazed across the table. He looked up from his Corriere del Sud, and his pale blue eyes widened.

He brushed a thatch of silver hair away from his forehead and extended an open palm towards her. “Per favore, signora.”

She had already noticed his pink linen shirt. Now she sat down and saw his bracelet: fine leather cord with insets of black lava beads. A man with a pink shirt and a bracelet, so assured of his masculinity, so unusual and exciting to see. She wished she spoke better Italian.

If you need a radically masculine bit of ornamentation ($40), message Louisa on the contact page.

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Louise Lague Louise Lague


Gustav, you have made my neck so long!

“Gustav, you have made my neck so long,” Adele said. “Though I’m very fond of the gold choker.”

Klimt came up behind her and kissed her nape. “Your neck is very beautiful, my dear. And your face here is …look… sensuous, sultry, nostrils trembling in passion, and just a touch of cruelty in the lines of the mouth. Such a paradox you are, a miracle.”

Adele looked again at the portrait; she seemed both wicked and impassioned.

“What will my husband say when he sees it?”

Klimt lifted a lock of her raven black hair and kissed the tiny shell of her ear. “Your husband,” he whispered, “commissioned it.”

Adele is SOLD, but if this design interests you, visit the Contact page and let’s see if I can create something similar for you.

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Louise Lague Louise Lague


He leaned over to kiss her cheeks, one at a time.

They agreed to meet in the Jade District restaurant. He found her already at table, sipping a tiny cup of tea.

He leaned over to kiss her cheeks, one at a time.

“I missed you,” he said, pushing away his tea cup and signaling the waiter for a Tsingtao instead. “How was China? Did you see the Great Wall?”

“Of course,” she said. “Doesn’t everybody? What I liked best …well, this won’t interest you.” She toyed with her chopsticks.

“Try me.”

“What I liked best was the Beijing Ceramic Art Museum. They have a fabulous collection of Ming dynasty china. And a superb gift shop.”

“Did you bring any home?”

She thrust her wrist out towards him. He saw flashes of silver, milk glass, and Ming. “Just a little bit,” she said. “This is what I could afford.”

Itching for your own bit of faux Ming ($50)? Message Louisa on the contact page.

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