Gender Studies 201
“Let’s talk pronouns today.”
Brad raised his hand: “He, him, his.”
Molly: “They, them, theirs.”
Andrea waved her wrist, which was paved with a rainbow stack of bangles, made of tiny disc beads interspersed with flecks of gold. “He, She.”
Dr. Olson furrowed her brow. “Never heard of that one.”
“Heishi beads. An ancient tradition from Santo Domingo,” Andrea intoned. “They ground us amidst life’s chaos. They are tools for personal growth, aiding in emotional healing and energy balancing. They foster a sense of peace.”
Dr. Olson was skeptical. “Do they work?”
“I don’t know yet,” Andrea said. “But they’re way cool.”
If you want a set of seven mystical bracelets in a rainbow of colors, which may or may not induce emotional healing but will definitely look awesome, contact Louisa on the Contact page. Seven for $70, or $12 each. Other colors, too!