To find Javier’s at the Cabo Azul resort in San Jose del Cabo, I had to venture through a series
of ornate lobbies, down broad marble stairs, past indoor fountains, dodging through beautiful,
expensively-dressed millennials. Music throbbed with a beat that encourages romance and
Raquel had said I’d know her by her bracelet, an odd thing to say to a blind date. And
yet…there she is. A simple white linen sheath, a mane of honey-colored hair, and a bold half-
dozen of pure white and gold bracelets. Each one was tasteful, classy, and perfect in itself.
stack of six said I may be classy, but I ain’t dull. I’m in love already.
No need to fight through the Cabo Azul lobby to find the glass, brass, and acrylic Raquel bracelet ($70). Talk to Louisa on the Contact page.