Sky Lights
Sally’s astronomy professor — he looked so much like a young Antonio Banderas — had brought the class outdoors.
He hopped up to sit on a tree trunk, manspreading and then mansplaining.
“Imagine early man,” he said, waving towards the sky, “watching the sunrise — he must have thought that was God. And then the sunset — God leaving the day in a blaze of color. And the next day a rainbow, maybe, a fragile arc of brilliant colors, that man can never quite reach….”
A handsome man who could talk about God. Whoa. Sally closed her eyes briefly, then raised her hand.
“Professor Gonzalez, please, will you show us the night sky as well?”
Bring the day sky home with Sunrise (lower right, ¾ inch $15) Sunset (top, 1.5 in, $20), and delicate Rainbow earrings (left 1.25 in, $15). Visit with Louisa on the Contact page.