Mona Lisa

Lisa squirmed. “Leonardo, potresti andare avanti?” ( Leonardo, can we just get on with it?)

The painter frowned. “Sì, ma devi smetterla di beffarda!” (Yes, but you must stop smirking!)

Mi sono stancato di sorridere! Sono stato seduto qui per ore!" (I got tired of smiling. I’ve been sitting here for hours!)

"Ma non devi schernire!”(But you don’t have to smirk!) He pointed his brush at her.

Che importa, Leo? Nessuno lo vedrà comunque.“ (What does it matter, Leo? Nobody will see this anyway.)


Let a classic beauty do your smirking for you. ($120) Visit Louisa on the Contact page.


Birthday Cake


Big Dove, Little Dove